Site updated July, 2022
" w a k e u p a n d l i v e "


The Tanzanian Children’s Fund works in a rural area of northern Tanzania called Oldeani. For generations the people of this region have depended on subsistence farming and seasonal day labor at surrounding coffee plantations. When their project was launched in 2004, the results of this history were immediately apparent – a population struggling with 80% unemployment, and little hope for change due to a lack of education and employment opportunities.
There are two initiatives started by the Kristy LeMond Memorial Fund. The first is the renovation of a classroom at Oldeani Secondary School and the second is a the Kristy LeMond Scholarship Fund for Young Women.
Oldeani Secondary School:
The Kristy LeMond Memorial Fund donated $12,000 for the Tanzanian Children’s Fund to renovate an entire classroom at Oldeani and bring it up to standard. The classroom is completed and the plaque pictured to the right is hanging on the wall.
Kristy LeMond Scholarship Fund for Young Women:
The majority of Tanzanian girls do not have the opportunity to attend secondary school (which is the equilavent to our high school) because they lack the funds to pay for school fees, and they are often kept at home to do chores and care for the family, or are married off at a young age. Of those who are able to start their secondary education, most drop out before completing school due to lack of support in the classroom or social and family pressures outside of school. As a result, fewer than 24% of young women attend secondary school, and only 5% graduate with a secondary education degree.
The Kristy LeMond Scholarship Fund for Young Women enables bright, young Tanzanian girls to attend school without the financial burden on their families. The Kristy LeMond Scholars are selected from the graduating class of Gyetighi Primary School and will attend secondary school, which costs $500 USD per year per student, and includes tuition, uniforms, transportation, school supplies and medical care. The total scholarship amount per student for secondary education is $2,000. With a beginning donation of $4,000, the Fund was created. Through the generosity of additional donors, the Scholarship Fund keeps growing!
There are currently 18 scholarship recipients. The first was awarded in Fall 2013. Neema Ernst (2014-2017). Additional $2,000 scholarships have been awarded to Paskalina Karoli and Magdalena Petro (2015-2018); Paskalina Albert and Maria Leonadi (2016-2019); Editha Muungano (2017-2020; Jacklina Betuel and Ritha Christopher (2018-2021); Barikiana Wilson and Stella Masay (2019-2022); Vaileth Noel and Winniemary Ingi (2020-2023); Fatuma Godson and Emelisiana Hhando (2021-2024); Bertha Fabiano and Neema Martin (2022-2025); and Maria Saidi and Anitha Paulo (2023-2026). Scholarships will continue to be awarded to Kristy LeMond Scholars. The recipients are top performing girls graduating from Gyetighi Primary School and receive three-year scholarships to secondary school.
You can read about all 18 scholars by clicking on the PDF file to the right.
If you would like to donate to this or other Tanzanian Children's Fund causes, click the link below. If you want to allocate your donation to the Kristy LeMond Scholarship Fund specifically, please follow these directions. After you fill in the donation amount for the TCF Program campaign, hit submit. There will be a comment box. Please request that the donation go to the Kristy LeMond Memorial Scholarship Fund for Young Women.
Kristy LeMond Scholars 2018-2021
Kristy LeMond Scholars 2022-